Bognár Gokart Park Koszontjuk a Bognar Gokart- Pak Facebook lapjan! Magyarország leghosszabb (820 m) épített amatőr gokart pályája ami a Bognar Csalad tulajdonaban van. Tobb mint 13 eve nyitotta meg kapuit a kozonseg szamara. Szeretettel várj a felnőtteket es a gyerekeket egészen 6 eves kortol. Évente megrendezesre kerul felnott es gyermek gokart bajnokságok a versenyzés szerelmeseinek. Ejszakai versenyzésre is van lehetosed. A Gokartok, a palya es azt korbeolelo park maganteruleten terul el es megkerunk minden Vendeget aki elattogatott hozzank hogy segitsen abban hogy mind a Gokartokat es a Parkot ugyan ugy tisztan es rendezetten fentudjuk tartani hogy minel tobb vendeg reszese lehessen ennek a szep kornyezetnek az elvezeseben. Koszonjuk, Bognar Gokart – ParkWelcome to the Bognar Karting Patk page! This is Hungary's longest amateur go- kart track, at 820m, and is owned privately by the Bognar Family. More than 13 years ago, we opened to the public. We welcome adults and children from the age of 6 years old. Every year we organize adult and children’s go- kart tournaments. Night racing is also possible. The karts, the track and the Park are privately owned and we would like each visitor to have the best experience and enjoy this beautiful environment when they come here. Therefore, we ask everyone to throw any litter in the bins provided around the site and take personal belongings home with them. We also ask visitors to follow instructions and to act with care and respect throughout their time at the park. Thank you very much for your cooperation. Best wishes, Bognar Gokart - Park
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